Tuesday we had interviews with our mission president. That went well and we talked about Moroni 7. After that we had Mission Correlation meeting.
Wednesday was a day with lots of appointments. If all went well we were going to have 3 new investigators. Unfortunately all of them got cancelled, but we were able to set new appointments for this week, so hopefully that goes well. That night we taught a less active family.
Thursday it rained alot. We got a call from the relief society saying that a less active family was mad at us for always setting appointments, then not showing up. But we had shown up everytime and they never were there. Anyways, we were able to set an appointment with them and visit them that day. They also said one of their friends is interested in the church, so hopefully we'll get to teach him.
Friday we did weekly planning, and after lunch we looked for some old investigator families. We set a few appointments, nothing else.
Saturday we went and talked with someone in our ward who is preparing to go on a mission. Then she went with us like 2 hours looking for less actives in her neighborhood. There are so many, and she was looking through the list and found out her cousins are less actives, and didn't even know that. Hopefully that'll turn out well if we can go teach them
Sunday after church we had lunch with our ward mission leader, and two other elders in our district. We visited a guy who is a little bit less active because my last companion left his suit for him. The guy's dad isn't a member but goes sometimes with his son and likes it. He told us he never heard the lessons or anything, because he doesn't have much time, but we're trying to organize so we can teach him during one of the church classes. That night we visited our investigators Ramona and Manuel because they called us asking if we can give a blessing to them. That was good because it shows they trust us, and we talked about blessings, faith, and the priesthood with them.
This morning we had Zone Activity, and ate food and played a game throwing flour at eachother. I'll send you all the picture when I get it.
Anyways that's all this week. I don't have pictures this week either, but next week for sure.
Have a great week everyone!
-Elder Severtson
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